wild regeneration

Through student and volunteer efforts and through the sale of Wildcraft Forest tea, products and educational services we deliver regenerative efforts that are described by many to be “good work for the living planet, places and people”. So every time you support us, it helps us with various efforts.
Education and Outreach
Through the Wildcraft Forest School we teach people to become stewards of planet Earth, and by doing so we create a ripple effect whereby we reach more people.
Here’s the promise we make. 

Wild Pollination Efforts
We are seeding forest clearcut areas with native flowering plant species so that more pollinators will be supported within these areas. We are supporting honey bee pollination by increasing the population of wild flowers within bee foraging range which will aid in the health of bee colonies and the honey that is produced.

Dennison Bonneau Lake Monitoring
Now a provincial park, this area is rich in sub-alpine habitat but it remains remote to visitors but not to logging. We are raising the profile of nature-based tourism in the area so that it will be monitored and protected from resource extraction.

Wetlands Restoration
and Monitoring
Natural wetlands are rich in biodiversity. Currently we are restoring such areas while studying and exploring their aquatic ecosystems. We make special efforts to help restore privately held lands so that they can be returned to the wild.

Seed Guild Gathering
We collect and save seeds from wild species and retain them in “Mother Tree guilds” so that a “plant memory” can be retained within the guild and the forest.

Wild Forest Seed Education
and Distribution
We educate and develop systems of distribution so that people can rewild their communities. For example inside the package fold of Wildcraft Forest “Yasei Shinrin Yoku Tea” is a wild seed guild – that people can plant and grow. Each guild has a number so that they can go online and know what seeds they are growing and how to start them – we also explain the power of the seed guild. 

Interpretive Trail Development
We continue to create models and systems for interpretive trails and we pilot those systems in Sanctuary Forests.

Habitat Education, Protection
and Advocacy
Through media campaigns and publications we educate, inform and advocate for the restoration of wild habitat; we demand at least a 300-year view of planning and we seek to re-wild contemporary culture. We do a lot of this through our own e-magazine called the Forest Almanac.

Regenerative Incubation
We create tangible actions and products that will “rewild”, super-localize diet and lifestyle. We pool efforts and resources to incubate new products and services that will have a dramatic and positive long-term effect for planet Earth and the human experience.

Wildcraft Forest School
At the Wildcraft Forest 
1981 Highway 6 Lumby, British Columbia
Discovery Centre – 250.547.2001 Email: treks(at)uniserve.com
This website and all material is copyrighted by the Wildcraft Forest
The Wildcraft Forest School offers skills, insights and
inspiration for creating good stewardship and positive change.
Explore courses, camps, experiences and distance learning by visiting our Wildcraft Forest School Index page at our registration website.
Learn more….
“The Wildcraft Forest is truly a magical place. You feel it as soon as you step onto the property. The wildcrafting courses themselves are an education that every man, woman and child should have. This is the kind of course that will change how you look at the world, how you act in the world and may even be the start of saving the world!”

Lisa G.
Administrator – Kelowna, BC